What if we could do VR without equipment? (Warning: only works on desktop at the moment and you may have to refresh to get hand tracking to start correctly)
17 years ago I watched a tech demo that blew my mind. Johnny Lee (now leading Wearable AI for AR Devices & Experiences at Google) seemingly took apart a wiimote and other spare parts in his bedroom and turned it into a cheap but workable virtual reality demo. The idea that something even me as a kid had access to could be repurposed as something no one had yet gave me inspiration to this day.
Immediately after watching it I kept thinking of all the devices he had to get to make this work. Why couldn't head tracking be done entirely in software?
Well here's my live demo for all to play. I'm probably not the first to do this but I certainly won't be the last. Face and Handtracking are blazing fast in javascript on most modern devices now.
Think I should keep going? Reach out on any social media maybe I'll make Duckhunt next